Summary This translation into English is of the introductory article and the text of the Presanctified Anaphora of St Severus of Antioch. It was publsihed in French in 1919, and I have translated it here into English. A Presanctified Liturgy is one in which a chalice of wine is consecrated by a portion of the […]
Notes This is a part of a discourse by St Severus of Antioch about the Virgin Mary. He especially describes the Virgin Mary as Prophet, Apostle and Martyr. This text has been translated from the French translation. I believe it may be the first English translation. The Translator from the Coptic, E. Porcher, says… The […]
Summary The translator of this text from a 17th century Arabic manuscript notes that it is in two parts, a homily and an apocalypse. He adds… The sermon aims to condemn all relations with others and especially the use of the Arabic language (21-23-25, 28). to give moral prescriptions (fol 25 – 26) which often […]
Summary This text is a translation I have produced of an article by the scholar E. Porcher from the French, published in the Revue de L’Orient Chretien in 1907. I believe this is the first translation into English. Text Patrologia Orientale, edited by Mgr. Graffin and M. Nau, published two Lives of Severus in Syriac, […]
Summary This is an interesting text, preserved in an Ethiopic manuscript. It describes something of the affairs in Egypt at time of the council of Chalcedon when violence was threatened against those who rejected the Tome of Leo. It describes a miracle performed at the prayer of St Langinos. I have translated it into English […]
Text The Plerophories That is, the testimonies and revelations that God made to the Saints, concerning the heresy of the two natures and the prevarication that took place in Chalcedon; they were written by one of the disciples of St. Peter the Iberian, namely the priest John of Beth-Rufin, of Antioch, bishop of Maiouma of […]
Summary F. Nau, the great French schola, translated the Plerophories into French, which I am translating into English in this series of posts. This is his own introduction. The word Plerophories has the sense of a collection of materials which provide and produce an assurance and certainty in what is believed. In this case, it […]
Summary I will translate the whole of the Third Letter of St Severus to Julian of Halicarnassus. This first section shows us that Julian was complaining that St Severus had criticised his Tome, but St Severus explains that this was what Julian had asked him to do, and he determined to do the job properly. […]
Summary This is the last passage from the first lengthy response which St Severus sent to Julian of Halicarnassus. The main problem with Julian was that he considered only one way of speaking of the human corruption which came about after the sin of Adam. He thought that when the Fathers spoke of such corruption […]
Summary In this very interesting passage from the work of St Severus, he wants to express several important points. These are: The human nature does not become mixed with sin as a natural element and we are to avoid saying that the human nature is “in sin”. It is necessary to understand that the Scriptures […]